Written in ❎ΘHiSoft❎Θ Basic, supplied .TOS file also source code .BAS for people èwho have ❎ΘHiSoft❎Θ or ❎ΘPower Basic❎Θ and wish to extend or customise FILEEDIT.
FILEEDIT is a cursor-driven editor. It assumes the file being edited can be èaccommodated in memory: FILEEDIT.TOS itself occupies c. 32kb.
FILEEDIT handles ❎É*all* ❎Écharacters ❎É(bytes) ❎Éin ❎Éthe ❎Érange ❎É0-255 ❎Éwithout èexception. It is therefore highly suitable ❎Éfor editing files which contain ètext but also special characters, e.g. ❎Éfont files, printer drivers, import-èexport modules, etc. ❎ÉBytes ❎Éare ❎Édisplayed ❎Éon ❎Éthe ❎Éscreen ❎Éusing ❎Éthe ST ècharacter set (1-255) plus ❎Éa ❎Éspecial ❎Ésymbol ❎Éfor ❎Énul ❎É(0) ❎Éviz. a video-èreversed ASCII 6. To distinguish characters 158 ❎Éand 225 the latter is also èvideo-reversed.
Characters (bytes) 32-126 are entered using ❎Énormal keys; 1-31 using control èkeys or the numeric keypad; and 0, ❎É127-255 using the numeric keypad. Users èwith TOS 2 and higher can use instead the Alt key with the numeric keypad.
Either drag-and-drop the datafile (TOS 2.06 and higher), or double click the èprogram whereupon it prints the following prompt:
File to edit [?]-
and normally you enter a filename. A ❎Éduff ❎Éfilename elicits a list of good èfiles. A Return (or Ctrl-C) terminates the program; ? prints on the screen èa summary of commands viz.
F1 = mark one end of block
F2 = mark other end of block
F3 = cut block
F4 = paste block
F5 = write paste buffer
Alt T = Top of file
Alt B = Bottom of file
Alt F = Find string
Alt N = Find Next
Alt R = Replace string
Alt E = Replace Everywhere
Alt G = Go to row, column of current screen
Alt L = report Length of file, and Locate cursor
Alt I = Insert file
Alt O = Overlay file
Alt S = Save file and exit
Alt A = Save as
Alt Z = refresh screen
Undo = cycle to start of program
Insert = toggle insert/overwrite mode
Help = display commands menu
to enter any ASCII code, press 1-3 numeric keys, then Enter
to advance cursor 'n' places, press some numeric keys then '+'
to retard cursor 'n' places, press some numeric keys then '-'
to amplify a cursor key, use Shift
The ❎Éfour ❎Écursor ❎Ékeys, ❎ÉBackspace, ❎ÉDelete ❎É❎Éand ❎ÉHome ❎Éall ❎Éwork ❎Éin ❎Éthe èconventional way. As Backspace and Delete ❎Éare interpreted, use their ASCII ècodes (8,127) to enter these characters into a file.
Find (search) and replace strings are ❎Éentered ❎Éas ❎Éfor normal editing - all èbytes are allowed - except that Return ❎Éterminates the string. To include a èReturn character (ASCII 13) in ❎Éthe ❎Éstring, ❎Éuse the numeric keypad method, èsee above.